04 August 2008

Vaughan and Dravid

Which style do you prefer? Dravid's terse letter to the BCCI, communicating his reluctance to continue as captain, or Vaughan's teary press conference? Even though Dravid left me confused, and at the back of a series win, searching for answers, I am now, very happy that he spared us his emotions.


Viswanathan said...

I prefer Dravid's way.

Gaurav Sethi said...

Dravid's way.
Even though it's highly unnatural, and he may wait till he's 64 to spill. btw missed Vaughan's press con, was it very emotional, what did he say?

John said...

I just read about it, Gaurav.. The English newspapers are full of how Vaughan is grateful to his family, his team etc etc..

straight point said...

and certain smith...to help him put an end to the misery... :))

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I prefer the Dravid way too. Wouldnt like to see cricket heroes cry. It takes something away. But I'm still very curious to know what happened there with Dravid.